Vegetarian Means Vegan, Right?

Actually vegetarians tend to differ from what Vegans consider themselves to be. The exact reasons for why, evade me at the moment.

I eat plenty of vegetables but also enjoy eggs so I think this means I may be a vegetarian but I am not a vegan because eggs are not on their menu. I need to watch my calories and weight.

Veganism, if I may, seems to be more like a religion than just a healthy eating regime. I think the term is applied to not only eggs but even to wearing things that may have once been alive, like leather.

I have no feelings on this one way or another and think our life choices are just that, our life choices.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Losing Weight On Resveratrol

By Laura Lane

Oprah Winfrey is known for providing her viewers with expertly researched advice concerning the latest advancements in medical advancements, particularly as they relate to the concerns of an aging American population. Recently, Oprah featured the Turkish-American cardiologist Dr. Mehmet Oz. According to Dr. Oz, the recently discovered antioxidant known as resveratrol may be the key to slowing or even-in some cases-reversing the aging process.

Toxin Eliminators

Oxidants are toxins that attack the body's organs. These toxins are responsible for wrinkles, organ damage, and can even produce cancer. Antioxidants, as the name suggests, are the archenemies of oxidants. They protect the body's organs and cells, particularly its nervous system. Consequently, antioxidants at once destroy toxic oxidants and restore damaged tissue.

Resveratrol and Sirtuins

Resveratrol is one of the most powerful antioxidants discovered to date. How does resveratrol work? This antioxidant activates "Sirtuins," a type of longevity gene capable of both reducing cellular decay and aiding the cells of the body to restore themselves. As a result, a person who takes resveratrol as a dietary supplement can expect to not only feel better on the inside as the health of their internal systems improves, but also to see a marked improvement in the appearance, tone, and coloring of the skin.

Many observable advantages are generated by taking resveratrol. Resveratrol boosts the immune system, aiding both cancer patients and people who have suffered some kind of injurious exposure to radiation. It has helped many lose weight as well.

Nevertheless, we have only begun to skim the surface of the possibilities that resveratrol has to offer! The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has funded analyses of the antioxidant with close to a billion dollars, and there are no signs to indicate that we have come close to comprehending all resveratrol's beneficial aspects.

A Natural Solution

Did you know about resveratrol before you began reading this article? Did you know that you may have already consumed some today? It's true! Used consistently for years and years in Asia as a remedy for a multitude of ailments, "ko-jo-kon," as resveratrol began to be called in 1962, is found in Japanese Knotwood. This Knotwood is so vivacious that it has not only crossed the Pacific, but is known in many parts of the United States as a weed that has the ability to kill and overrun other plants quite quickly. Its capacity to do this is directly correlated to the vast quantities of resveratrol that Knotwood has within itself. In fact, Knotwood contains large enough amounts of resveratrol to be grown for profit by companies that have begun manufacturing resveratrol supplements. Other people simply use it rather than rhubarb in numerous tasty recipes.

Peanuts-ordinary, everyday peanuts, available in bulk at your local grocery store-are another source of resveratrol. Indeed, though they appear to be high in fat, studies show that people who ingest peanuts on a regular basis actually have a lower body fat percentage than the average person.

In 1992, resveratrol was discovered in both grapevines and the red wine produced by them. While the health effects derived from drinking a glass of red wine are becoming common knowledge, think about this: it takes somewhere around one thousand bottles of red wine to equal the amount of resveratrol found in a single day's dose of a resveratrol supplement!

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